Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I love Stephen King Novels and so are many people. I'm sure you can identify with me about the unique and captivating way he put his stories across to us.. I was surfing the web and these are some of the comments I found.

"The Shining was the first book I read by Stephen King. It was absolutely amazing and probably my favorite one so far (I almost cried during the hedge animal scene). He has a way of making the simplest scenarios utterly terrifying".

"...and I'll love him forever for introducing me to Stephen King's writing!

Midway through last semester, I was sitting around in his dorm, waiting for him to finish writing a paper so we could go out with some friends. I was bored and started talking to him, which distracted him from his paper. To shut me up, he handed me Insomnia, and I was instantly hooked.

Stephen King's writing style is utterly captivating. He creates characters, situations, and story lines that stick in my head long after I've finished reading. The Dark Tower series is wonderful, and by far my favorite of his works. I only finished it in February, but I'm itching to read it again."

"My best friend spent the night once and she was reading carrie. I picked up the book and started reading the first chapter. I finished it that night. then I bought pet semetary and I loved it. it freaked me out, but I loved it. I also just watched the biography of Stephen King on the biography channel and it was pretty interesting and inspired me to write."

"The first one I read was the Stand and I couldn't put it down. Have read many more since and have most in hardcover on my bookshelves."

"I can't say I have read them all and I have missed some of the classics like Carrie, Salems Lot and The Shinning. The book that got me hooked as Christine. I started reading it before finals week freshman year in college and I spent more time reading it then studying. Luckily my finals were not that hard, but the book was incredible. I do like the Stand like most King fans, but some of his short stories are so good and the Bachman books are pretty amazing. The Long Walk I thought was such a good story. When I am reading Everything's Eventual now and it's pretty good. I like his notes on each story."

Many of Stephen King Novels can be found and purchase at the lowest price by clicking on this link.
Stephen King